204,255,204 // background 255,204,153 // built-up area (city) 168,168,255 // water solid 204,255,153 // park 153,204,153 // woodland 255,255,153 // beach/dune/sand 204,204,204 // industrial zone 204,204,204 // harbor/marina 255,204,204 // moor/heath 153,255,204 // marsh 255,204,255 // pedestrian zone 153,153,204 // airport 204,204,204 // runway 096,096,096 // route background ('below' the road) 134,000,255 // route foreground (on top of the road) 255,102,153 // blocked road (dotted on top of any road) 255,000,153 // traffic jam (dotted on top of any road) 034,255,034 // highlighted / selected (line on top of any road) 255,153,255 // unreachable / not allowed to drive (dotted on top of any road) 187,000,187 // motorway solid 187,000,187 // motorway edge 255,204,255 // motorway inside 187,000,187 // motorway text 000,136,000 // major/international road solid 000,136,000 // major/international road edge 255,255,102 // international road inside 255,255,000 // major road inside 000,136,000 // major road text 255,000,000 // secondary road small 255,000,000 // secondary road solid 255,000,000 // secondary road edge 255,000,000 // secondary road inside 136,000,000 // secondary road text 255,255,000 // connecting road small 255,255,000 // connecting road solid 136,000,000 // connecting road edge 255,255,000 // connecting road inside 153,153,000 // connecting road text 255,255,255 // (major)local road small 255,255,255 // major local road solid 255,255,255 // local road solid 000,000,000 // local/destination road edge 255,255,255 // local/destination road inside 085,085,085 // local road text 255,255,255 // destination road solid 085,085,085 // destination road text 255,255,255 // ferry background 000,000,136 // ferry dots 000,000,136 // ferry text 170,170,170 // railroad dashed A 000,000,000 // railroad dashed B 153,153,255 // water edge outlines 000,000,000 // borders (dot-dash) 000,000,000 // arrows (road direction) 255,255,255 // arrows border (road direction) 000,128,000 // Route indication arrow color, normal 000,255,000 // Route indication arrow color, highlighted 000,000,255 // Tollroad edge color 255,255,255 // Tollroad inside color 000,000,092 // NavView: status/safeview panel background (default:dark blue) 080,080,190 // NavView: status/safeview panel borders (default:blue) 255,255,255 // NavView: status/safeview panel text (default:white) 206,207,255 // NavView: status/safeview panel dim text (default:lightblue) 000,000,092 // NavView: next highway background 255,255,255 // NavView: next highway border 255,255,255 // NavView: next highway text 000,128,000 // NavView: next highway EXIT background 255,255,255 // NavView: next highway EXIT border 255,255,255 // NavView: next highway EXIT text 095,100,215 // NavView: routeplanning progressbar color 192,092,092 // Distant route color